Admissions & Financial Aid

Message from the registrar

“When considering attending a Christian college, one should feel a calling on their life, by God, into ministry. Making a decision as important as this needs many hours of prayer, seeking God’s direction for your life. A Christian college degree not only involves years of study but is often the first step in a life-long commitment to serving Jesus Christ and others. There is nothing more rewarding or more important than studying God’s Word and then sharing it with others. Seeing lost souls come to Jesus and knowing God used you to help them in that process is awesome! God looks for a willing and committed heart for Him and His Word.  

Applicants for admission to Canada Christian College will be considered without regard to race, class or nationality. The prospective student is assessed according to academic background and personal testimony. When considering applications, the Registrar’s Office reviews the prospective student’s complete record, recommendations, and personal information.”  

Dr. Jennifer McVety, B.C.C., D. Litt.

Vice President and Registrar 

Financial Aid Services

Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Theology, Bachelor of Sacred Music, Bachelor of Religious Education, Bachelor of Christian Counselling, Master of Theological Studies, Master of Divinity, Master of Christian Counselling, Doctor of Ministry, Doctor of Christian Counselling, and Doctor of Sacred Music may be eligible, if qualified, for assistance under the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP), under the following:  

  • Ontario Student Loans program 
  • Canada Student Loans program  
  • Bursaries for Students with Disabilities program  
  • Canada Study Grants for Students with Permanent Disabilities program  
  • Child Care Bursary  

For more information, visit: Students should apply in the early summer, since government applications may take up to 12 weeks to be processed.  

Scholarships and Bursaries

The college, through the generosity of friends, has limited amount of funding for bursaries. Amounts range from $100 to $1000 per student per academic year. Bursaries are given to full-time students as a gift based on the student’s financial need. A bursary may become a loan if the student fails to complete the year for which the bursary is granted.  

Applicants desiring financial assistance from the college must submit their completed admissions application to be considered.

Credit System and Tuition Fees

Each course has a semester hour credit value (semester credit). Most courses offered are three semester hours. In order to graduate from a program, a student must accumulate the specified number of credits, as well as meet the requirements outlined by the program. 

For financial aid inquires, contact Nikita Abraham, Financial Aid Officer