Mission & Vision

Mission Statement

Canada Christian College & School of Graduate Theological Studies exists to train and equip students, through a broad variety of degree programs, to become effective leaders who can change the world, motivated by their love for God and compassion for people.

Vision Statement

Canada Christian College & School of Graduate Theological Studies is committed to changing the world with the Word of God through graduates involved in worldwide leadership who are motivated by their love for God and compassion for people.

Your choice will shape your career in ministry

At Canada Christian College and School of Graduate Theological Studies, you will be fully prepared to be successful in ministry. The Bible is a book of balance and that is our focus: a balance of scripture, sound doctrine, spiritual development, and practical experience. Altogether, you will be endowed with the power of God to change lives. The great preacher Charles H. Spurgeon once said, “If we do not have the power of God, it would be better that we nail the door of the church shut, paint a black cross over the door and put up a placard saying, “May God Have Mercy Upon Our Souls.” The power of God will propel you to fulfill the call of God upon your life. Canada Christian College’s seasoned faculty will walk you through every page of the Bible “rightly dividing the Word of Truth.” You will also be steeped in all the doctrines of scripture and be prepared to answer why you believe what you believe.  

Jesus Christ teaches us to study and prepare, as well as to grow spiritually. It is not enough to just know; rather, we must be equipped to apply and deliver the power of God. After we are equipped, He promises to do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond all that we ask or think. Over the past few years, some of the world’s greatest ministers have come to CCC including T.D. Jakes, John Hagee, Myles Munroe, Jerry Falwell, The Newsboys, Lecrae etc. Working with the greatest leaders of our time creates interactions and training that cannot be measured. Over 7,500 men and women made CCC their choice for a career in ministry preparation. It is time for you to make that same choice, study hard, worship passionately, work diligently and God will fulfill those dreams and visions that He has instilled in you, and you will change lives with His Truth.